How to Start

The “How to Start a House Cleaning Company” booklets have been written by the Founders of Denver Concierge.
Denver Concierge is possibly the largest independent house cleaning company in the United States.
It was founded from scratch in 1999, and in the ensuing five years was grown to reach weekly revenue of nearly $40,000 per week.

The founders sold Denver Concierge for a significant seven figure sum in November 2006.
The booklets include practical information for starting, growing, and operating a residential cleaning company. Once you purchase them, they are available online from your login. They include the following:

How We Came to Start a House Cleaning Enterprise
Explains why two ex-investment banking MBA’s chose to start a house cleaning enterprise.

Starting a House Cleaning Company – 15 Easy Steps in 21 Days
Explains how to actually proceed once you’ve decided to start a house cleaning company. Assumes you’ve already researched alternative industries, visited at least a couple of different maid service franchise headquarters, as well as a half dozen local franchisees.

If you’ve completed this advanced preparation, then you will already have a pretty good idea that the industry is right for you, and the franchise route is not right for you. If that’s where you are in the process, then you may be ready to start your own independent house cleaning enterprise.

How to Price House Cleaning Assignments
I would prefer to play golf than do in-home price quotes–I am really tired of doing in-home price quotes. I can’t dispute all the super reasons for skipping them. However, for those who are still on the fence, let me explain the reasons a mercenary like me still keeps choosing in-home price quotes over golf . . ..

How to Manage House Cleaning Professionals

If you’re wading into a super labor intensive service industry, you’re going to have to get this one thing right. We don’t know about every alternative way to manage house cleaning professionals, but we can tell you how we’ve done it . . .

How to Evaluate House Cleaning Professionals

Building a house cleaning enterprise requires a solid foundation. In a service enterprise, the foundation consists of employees, not customers. So to develop a foundation, you must:
1) identify;
2) develop;
3) retain your star employees and counsel the rest to work for your competitors.

How to Train House Cleaning Professionals

Successful scaled service enterprises sustain a competitive advantage by excelling in a number of things, one of which includes effectively weaving training into every element of their operations . . .

How to Buy a House Cleaning Company

From the buyer’s perspective, it’s about tacking on some extra customers. From the industry’s perspective it’s about cleaning house.

How to Value a House Cleaning Company

The value of your house cleaning company will be based on its adjusted free cash flow or revenue, depending on your company’s profitability and other attributes. If you are interested in creating a scaled marketable enterprise, then before you even embark, understanding how your creation will eventually be valued by potential buyers can help you maximize the ultimate sales price, and keep you focused on the ultimate goal: converting your dilligent work into a tidy retirement fund. The most expeditious route to entering the industry is to buy an existing house cleaning company. If you are considering this, here’s our recommendations for valuing it.

How to Sell Your House Cleaning Company

Maximizing the value and expediting the sale of your house cleaning company can be achieved with some advanced planning. Of primary importance is to understand well in advance of a sale how your company will be evaluated by bankers, business brokers and various types of buyers. While many of the concepts of selling a house cleaning company apply to many small businesses, this article is written based on our actual experiences in buying and selling house cleaning companies.

The How To Start Booklets are only available to members of HCA. Membership is available on a month-to-month basis for $10 per month. Try membership for a month. If you like it, continue; if you do not then you can quit at the end of any month. Members can lease the Booklets for an initial fee of $499, plus $1 per month. Why bother with the monthly subscription? Because new booklets come out, and the existing ones are updated, from time to time.

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